This is ME

(: Wanna Peace = Enjoy Life = Allah bless :)


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday 23 January 2012

Its about -ICE SKATING- day

Pizza Hut Sunway Pyramid :)

Today is 23/Jan/2012.. 

My family planning that we will go to the Sunway Pyramid.. This is due on my suggestion to go there .. I really and seriously want to play Ice-skating.. So, thats whylah I ajak family pegi sana..

On my journey, the traffic was so smooth.. no jam and accident happened. Before we plan to go there actually, we just coming back from Pahang, visited my granma. And stay there for 3 days 2 nights.. So, today we went to Sunway Pyra... 

Until we arrived Sunway Pyra.. i am the one who excited to enter that place. Firstly, we went to the information center and asked people there where the ice-skating located. Next, we try to find and yet we reach there. I was so unlucky b'c0z there was so pack of people that playing ice-skating... My harapan hancurr... When my m0m said we cancel our plan for today and we go back nextime.
I will c0me back!

huhuhu..(T^T) At last,we just having some meals at Pizza Hut.  The End

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