This is ME

(: Wanna Peace = Enjoy Life = Allah bless :)


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday 21 March 2013

Happy Life in Geo Kosmo :)

Hello mello,,
 long time no post.. hehehe.. okay this time i want to share about my day and my life at Kem Geo Kosmo.. its almost a week i end my PLKN programme. 

There i learnt many things from the 'multiskill' level until 'physical' level..  hebat x hebat x?.. no one can get what i've done except if they join PLKN programme. Btw, there also i live under the same roof with friends who are in different culture and religion.. perh~ memang 1Malaysia lah wa ckp sama lu.. 
like this ....

nampak x keakraban kami :)

Besides, kat sane i've try and i did to be one of the presentator during KKJ.., poet, act as an old women during PRU (olok2, give some speech to 423 peoples and also be a reporter from Philippines during Arabian Night which is our last night as a 'pelatih' dekat sana... 

stylish old women ;)
ps; best part in this picture is that old woman wearing Fipper  red colour hee

But, before that kiteorang ade latihan menembak perh~ real babe handle colt M16. Kau ade?..ahaha  Next, Rempuh Halangan and Flying Fox(wirawati) abselling(wira) *xtau eja. But both activities i didn't join bc0z i was in MEDIC..then 'Permainan Kreativiti'..ok yg ni aku join n b'c0z aku join member aku heret aku suruh bg speech kat depan =.=. (nasib time tu speech aku berkesan hehe :D)Okay,, Wirajaya is our last part before we end our latihan.. best till crazy .. #camping #cooking #napping # be a guard during the night #jungle trekking ..
here some picture you can see.. 

Delta's girl

hurry up finish the job!

smile even tired ;)

ps; the best part   is when  DELTA's  company  had announced as a winner for the competiton. :)

with cikgu Ana,, take 1,2,3 smile :)

pose 1, 2 and 3
ps; no matter what, no matter where and no matter how Camera is everywhere hee :)

oh, ya multiskill part pn ade aktiviti jugak tp sorry nope picture .. x sempat nak amik sebab lebih agresif than aktiviti physical.. like  Perisai Zaman,PRU,DKRT Game bunyi cam sempoi tp smpi ade wirawati yg kena rempuh ngan wira.. seluar koyak..emosi lebih2 .. tp FUN.  Best part,, ibe the first wirawati yg bg speech after beberapa org wira..perh! masing2 cilok idea aku dulu.  hehe pun nasib ape yg aku ckp berkesan! the best part.. hujung2 speech aku cam kene Parkinson ketar2 pegang michrophone hahaha nasib pandai cover kalau x malu kena B0ooo!

Tettt __________ ni masuk bab situasi cemas, klakar n menarik aku kat sane..

Day1 aku kat sane awl2 lg dah masuk MEDIC..bukan ku pinta~ *nyanyi2 haha.siap masuk air lg pkl 1 pg pulak tu aku kena angkut dari dorm ke MEDIC by van. haha but then aku okay cuma reason why aku masuk MEDIC at that time I've got Stomachache,, my stomach shocked c0z el0k2 kat umah 1 or 2 kali je mkn tetiba masuk kem kena makan 6kali per day. mau 2/3 botol aku kene masuk air.. ubat dah mcm2 ubat yg diorang sumbat kat aku..

Other than that, in that camp i've my own groups  "Kami x hipokrit, Kami slamber, Kami cool, Kami chill, Kami supportive Kami cantik n cute2 lastly Kami adalah KAMI GGDH.
the real member in GGDH oww yeah <3

ps; all of us need each other xoxo miss u all <3

Next, besides GGDH aku ade member boy yg cool2 and good listener.. haha.. plus ade plak lg satu geng .. GENG KAMPUNG.. haha.. ni version guy punyalah kan.. diorang ni sume cool. Sometimes,, among kite2org ade je pr0b antara masing2 but we still can handle it.. x kecoh pn.. ddda~ haha.

me with ulamak cina :3

me with lolboy ^^

me with Paan :)
ps; itu antaranya..ramai lg member boy yg baik ngan aku. nice to be your friend. ^_^

Last Part ..

(rentetan cerita di atas)huhu T^T gara2 DENGGI .. tp mujur dapat buat latihan menembak. hehe. Whether you want to trust me or n0t,, i'm the first 'pelatih' yg break the record masuk air berbotol2= 16bottle amik darah= 10kaliDahsyat x??haha.. sampai kan the whole people in MEDIK tu mengangkat aku as a Setiausaha MEDIK .. stay sane lame sgt sampai sume ubat aku hafal utk setiap jenis penyakit.. haha ni diiktiraf oleh Cikgu Syukri, Cikgu Shafiq, Cikgu Yazid x lupa miss Neesha..diorang ni sume aku dah anggap cam abang aku sendiri c0z they take care of me during i'm not feeling well. Tp igt medik2 aku pn 2 bnd je aku x buat yg lain sume aku join..  

Plus,, diorang protect aku time aku kene panggil ngan TKP (cuak tp xde bnd pn just dia nk tanye betul ke x aku bleh pegi menembak).. haha diorang bina ayt mcm2 utk aku ckp kat TKP.. thanks cikgu coki,shapiq n cikgu bobot haha x lupa cikgu sarjan!..

In addition, time aku d0k medik almost one week ade cikgu yg slalu jd teman borak aku cikgu Firdaus ngan cikgu Kamal (dobi! dobi!).. time aku bosan dioranglah yg tlg buat hidup aku haru biru..xpun "cikgu.. kuat sikit radio!.." haha Selain depa ni, ade cikgu Jimmy,, cikgu Zam, cikgu Nik n apak Ayie yg bleh la borak2 ngan aku .. ps;cikgu zam, thanks for the ice cream *rainbow flavour..

me, cikgu daus, wei ling :)

ps; the best part when lepak ngan diorang, sporting habis. cikgu thanks for the pisang goreng!

At the end, aku berjaya tamatkan latikan aku dgn jayanya! Aku bawa balik banyak pengalaman dan ilmu yang aku pelajari kat sane..  So people.. once you get this opportunity better you grab it.. why not we sacrifice just for once in our life for our country.. babe, bukan nya pegi berperang punn  .. makan free elaun masyuk! Just please, follow the rule.. simple jeh.. , never be Blurr~, No CaPub2(caripublisiti), be friendly towards JL or other pelatih.. compom korang akan enjoy latihan korang kat sane klu yg luccky tu siap bleh jadi Famous lg!!.. 

Delta win :)

Khidmat komuniti at Kg Pasir ^^'

i want slap all face here! haha :D

muka excited lepas menembak! :O

punitha,cikgu nurrol,eton n me :*

gonna miss u teacher <3
Sue, me n josephine :)

Bella n Jess =)


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